Isekai manga typically revolves around transporting the series protagonist to a new fantasy world. While such a premise can be used for lighter, more adventurous fare, a wide selection of entries in the genre have focused on the potentially disturbing consequences of such an occurrence.

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From hellish worlds to dark and sinister villains, the presence of horror-centric storytelling in the isekai scene has led to some of manga's more disturbing, fearsome moments. These manga delve deep into the nastier implications of fish-out-of-water storytelling, showcasing luckless protagonists trying to make their way through new, dangerous realms loaded with mystery and peril. Of the genre-blending manga to push the boundaries of both fear and imagination, some have stood out from the rest for their near-perfect balance of escapism and suspense.

The Live

The Live kicks off on a dispiriting note, as lead protagonist Yun-Jae horrifyingly loses his wife and daughter in a freak accident. Deeply depressed and lonely, his life is forever changed when he is introduced to another world where deadly games are played in service of acquiring a mysterious prize.

For Yun-Jae, that prize means potentially bringing his deceased family back, packing the action with a heavy emotional hook for readers. The series impressively blends all manner of genres into its hard-hitting narrative. For isekai fans, the appeal is obvious thanks to the introduction of a dangerous new world for Yun-Jae to explore. For horror lovers, the sadistic games depicted here, coupled with the series' generally eerie atmosphere and intensity, make it a compelling read. With its compelling lead character arc and world-building, The Live has proven to be an underrated piece of work in recent years.

Dungeon Seeker

This vengeful thriller's title might leave some readers thinking of lighter, dungeon-crawling fare. Instead, however, the fantastical dungeon provided here is used as an increasingly disturbing plot device to showcase one mistreated high schooler's quest for revenge in this underrated gem.

Junpei Takada is a shy student who is frequently on the receiving end of harsh bullying from the sadistic Kido Shouta and his crew of similarly cruel pals. Both Takada and his antagonists are inexplicably transported to a dark fantasy world where the bullies manage to dupe Takada into getting stuck in the unsurprisingly sinister Sacrificial Labyrinth. Armed with a curious new superpower that permits him to pick up an ability from any foe he takes down, Takada begins his quest for revenge in this monster-stuffed dungeon, immersing the reader in his fearsome journey of survival.

High-Rise Invasion

Blending isekai with action and survival horror, High-Rise Invasion is a fast-paced thrill-ride that will prove nightmarish for anyone with a fear of heights. The series follows high school student Yuri Honjō as she finds herself suddenly in a dangerous world of exceedingly tall skyscrapers connected by bridges.

As if that wasn't eyebrow-raising enough, Honjō must remain on the move at all times as a gang of dangerous, masked individuals are on her tail. Not only does the series provide both standard isekai and suspenseful horror thrills, but it also boasts an intriguing mystery for readers to gradually uncover. It quickly turns out that Honjō is not alone in finding herself stuck in this strange new world, with many fellow high schoolers, including her older brother, also suddenly trapped there as well. With rapid-fire action and intriguing, menacing villains, High-Rise Invasion is a fine piece of suspenseful, otherworldly fare.


In arguably one of the grimmest manga premises ever, lead character Subaru Natsuki finds himself trapped in a horrible cycle of reliving his worst moments and dying repeatedly. The dark series follows the long-suffering Natsuki as he endures a thousand violent deaths.

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Unsurprisingly, perpetual pain followed up by death has severely impacted Natsuki's psyche and emotional well-being, as his memories of each and every setback remain post-mortem. Fortunately, it's not all doom and gloom for the unlucky hero as he soon discovers his horrific cycle also grants him the power of reversing time. Natsuki's deaths began with his surprise arrival into a colorful fantasy world, and with his new-found power, readers follow him as he attempts to aid an elven ally in taking over the Kingdom of Lugunica. For readers who can stomach the death-obsessed nature of much of the series, this is among the most impactful and imaginative blending of horror and isekai tropes out there.

Corpse Party: Blood Covered

Adapted from the popular video game series, Blood Covered quickly impressed readers with its intense storytelling upon first hitting the stands back in 2008. The series focuses on a well-meaning spell gone wrong that leaves the involved high schoolers trapped in their school.

As if being trapped in school without escape is nightmare fuel enough for most readers, it quickly becomes apparent that the characters are now in a different, considerably more dangerous dimension. The mystery, including unsettling reveals of prior classes who got trapped in this suspenseful setting, makes up much of the core plot. It succeeds admirably in keeping readers engrossed, blending effective supernatural storytelling with grisly reveals to maintain interest. With a likable cast of well-developed high-schoolers and an intriguing plot that does justice to the games, Blood Covered is a must-read for lovers of horror and isekai alike.

Alice in Borderland

This series takes readers to an eerie, deserted city covered in vegetation known as Borderland. Protagonist Ryōhei Arisu finds himself inexplicably sent there with some of his friends and locked into a variety of potentially deadly games.

Now trapped in a mysterious, dangerous world, Arisu and co.'s lives depend on being able to play the location's eclectic blend of games successfully. Early on, readers are hit hard with how deadly the protagonists' situation can be when they play a questions and answers game that involves flaming arrows being shot into anyone who gets the wrong answer. Haro Aso's suspenseful venture into isekai fare proved to be a huge hit with readers during its six-year run during the 2010s. With likable, grounded characters, compelling mystery, and an often terrifying new world to explore, the series has also enjoyed a live action adaptation back in 2020 on Netflix.

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