1.The parent who started a real-life horror movie:

2.The sibling who hid 100 rubber ducks around the house, of which four are still lurking (although it would be even more evil if it turns out there were only 96 but she made it SEEM like there were 100):

3.The sibling who went to the fuse box to flicker the lights on and off while their sister was using the Ouija board:

4.The person who played the most gaslighting prank on their mother:

5.The commenter who thought up an evil, evil plan:

6.The contractor who laid a trap for the poor soul who demolishes this kitchen decades from now:

7.And the contractor who put a pair of boots to good use:

8.The commenter (on a video of two speed skaters sharing first place) who gave every early internet kid terrible flashbacks:

9.This parking lot goblin:

10.This Redditor, who had the best response, hands down:

11.This teacher:

12.This filmmaker, who must have had a grudge against the BBFC:

13.This kid, who is probably grounded even longer now:

14.This person, who really thought about the psychology here:

15.This car owner, who really should just be nice and get a new paint job:

16.The prankster who attached this photo to the back-up camera:

17.This person, whose revenge plot rivals Edmond Dantès:

18.This family, who must have caused so many screams:

19.And finally, the stats professor who put a link in their online syllabus...

...that lead to this:

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